Take a look at some of our frequently asked questions below. If you have additional questions or need more information about St. Anthony Schools, please contact the school office.
We will be contacting all incoming freshman to build a schedule. Schedules will be built around March.
Information about the ACT test will come through emails during your sophomore and junior year. We have seen many students improve their ACT test score by taking a ACT prep class through Jason Franklin. His website is https://betterprepsuccess.com.
Religion I, English I, Math, Science, Fine Arts (Band, Chorus, Music, or Art), Physical Education, Computer Applications, Health, Spanish I
We recognize the need to challenge each and every student in our building. Honors courses are much more rigorous and certainly not intended for all students. We have the following guidelines in place for students to enter these courses. Honors courses include Honors Geometry and Honors Algebra II.
Freshman Placement Criteria
Sophomore, Junior, and Senior Placement Criteria
Mondays through Thursdays
3 minute passing periods
Students get more freedom and more choices upon entering high school. We all need to communicate to the students that with increased freedom comes increased responsibility. This includes behavior, grades, and more. You will get the opportunity to participate in different sports and clubs. Take ownership of your future by getting involved especially in things that might interest you.
How do we foster responsibility?
Driver’s Education is now taught at St. Anthony High School
(EHS only offers Driver’s Education during the school day)
How it works:
60 hours are required for graduation
They are required to complete differing amounts in 6 categories. These categories include:
For more information regarding our service hour requirements and options for each category, please refer to our school handbook.
We post many service hour opportunities on our announcements and in study hall. Opportunities exist beyond what we announce. Ultimately, it is the student’s responsibility to find opportunities.
Summer service hours must be turned in by the end of August.
Most AP classes in a 5 county area
St. Anthony High School strives to create a Christian community of students where respect and acceptance of one another is fostered. High standards for behavior are in place and expected of each student. Please understand that if your child gets into trouble that we are not chastising the student but the behavior. Understand that if we don’t deal effectively with small behaviors that bigger problems will arise.
Every student has the right to feel good about walking through our front doors every day. Every students should feel good about who they are and who God has called them to be. We will work hard to make deter bullying. Please let the principal or another adult know if any of this is going on. This is often difficult to investigate and get answers so the sooner you notify our office the more we can pay attention.
Phones must be “turned off” upon entering the classroom.
1st Offense is a $10 fine with gradually increasing fines each subsequent violation.
Students are allowed to have them between passing periods and lunch.
Please do not bring or order other outside lunches for them or ask office to hand them out.
Office does not make change.
We are certainly aware that circumstances exist when these steps are not possible.
Please never hesitate to contact your Principal with any concerns.
Please call the office as soon as you know. Leaving a message on answering machine is fine.
Definition of Unexcused Absence:
Not showing up to class at all (OR) showing up more than 10 minutes late into a class period without a valid reason. We count oversleeping, etc. as unexcused.
Definition of Tardy
Showing up to class 10 minutes or less late to class without a valid reason.
We encourage you to apply. We want all students regardless of financial status to be able to attend SAHS.
Recommended iPad: 32 GB
We still need your help!
There are several opportunities to volunteer that are listed in your online registration process.