St. Anthony offers a comprehensive curriculum where students are encouraged to discover and develop their individual talents and potential.
Our Students consistently out perform state averages in virtually every academic metric and test scores.
student-teacher ratio, ensuring direct faculty engagement and attention
of graduates last year were college-bound
2023 average ACT Score outperforming state averages
in scholarships earned by last year's class
Guided by our Parish Mission, Vision, and Values, we build up tomorrow’s leaders on a foundation of moral character and faith. Students begin and end each day with prayer, participate in daily religion class and attend weekly Mass. They learn how to put their faith into action through service opportunities, and grow deeper in faith through a variety of retreats and ministries.
learn more about faith at STAReadiness
Get a jump start on college with Dual Credit and AP courses. Grow personally through service and ministry opportunities.
Expand horizons with unique courses and occupational exploration.
student supportAthletics | Arts | Clubs & Activities
The St. Anthony experience goes beyond the classroom to prepare the whole student. Our students widen their experiences and find new talents through a vast selection of Athletic, Art, Music, and Co-Curricular opportunities.
explore student life